Friday, November 2, 2007

Justin Bryant Philosophy of Government

Like John Locke I believe government is necessary because the government keeps everyone safe and protected. It also protects people’s rights, and it brings jobs and money to the community. In the following paragraphs I will explain why government is necessary.

The government keeps everyone safe and protected. People follow laws because they don’t want to go to jail. They also keep pedophiles away from children. Like Thomas Hobbs, i think people can some times can sometimes be nasty and need boundaries.

Also the government can protect people’s rights. They keep the mentally ill off the streets. They stopped hate crimes like the Montgomery bus boycott. They try to keep the poor off the street with public housing and shelters. Like john Locke said people help others.

The government gives jobs out to the people they hire police officers to help them and everyone and it opens up jobs. They hire congress people to protect our rights and fight for what is right. They give out money to the poor with welfare and food stamps and wic for mothers.

To sum it all up government is necessary firstly, because it government keeps every one safe and protected. It also protects people’s rights. And it brings jobs and money to the community .im not saying government is perfect but it is about as good as it gets.

i hope you liked this piece of my work for english class.

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