Friday, November 2, 2007

anoter algebra project they keep us kids so busy these days

Justin Titanic Worksheet

When I first started to work on the titanic work sheet I thought I knew all I could know about this subject. But I soon realized that it was more than just some ship that sank in the Atlantic Ocean over 80 years ago. There was a mathematical aspect to it, like how the pressure could have popped the rivets that held the steel planks together. At first I thought that the ship just didn’t have a strong enough make up to sail in these waters .I thought the steel just simply wasn’t strong enough but I would soon find out that it was a freak accident that the glacier hit directly on one of the steel rivets. So in a short 3 paragraphs I would like to say that my opinion on how the titanic sank changed dramatically. Because when the glacier hit the rivet and the pressure and the force caused the ship sink very fast. And that is why my opinion changed from the beginning of the story to the end.
this is my algebra class report on rené decartes i hope all my viewers like it feel free to leave a coment.

René Descartes Early

René Descartes was born in France in the year of 1596. Like many great thinkers René loved math, science, and philosophy. René liked to lie in bed until late morning thinking about the great work he would soon master. René realized how much he real didn’t know. Rene’s best subject was math. So he realized he should zone in on that subject.

René’s Well Known Contributions

One of his most well known contributions to the field of mathematics was his work in analytical geometry. René was able to use algebra to prove ideas that where very advanced for his time. René used analytic geometry to describe the shapes of various polynomial functions, and the solutions to polynomial equations of degree higher than two. He also showed that the points in which two curves intersect could be determined by finding the roots common to their two equations. René also worked with algebra in geometric figures. Such as the coordinate grid, the Cartesian plane. René invented the system of using the first letters of the alphabet to represent known numbers, and the last letters to represent unknowns. René also introduced the method for writing powers that we are familiar with. As an example, if you want to write 4 x 4 x 4, you can use 4^3.

Little known facts

René was working on a major physics project when he heard Galileo was put on house arrest. So René wisely decided not to risk publication, and moved on to other studies, particularly mathematics.

In the area of science, Descartes did work in optics, astronomy and meteorology, but his work here was flawed, and nowhere near as impressive as his results in mathematics and philosophy.

His most famous philosophical work dealt with the concept of 'existence'. In his investigation of reality, Descartes decided his first step would be to discover some fact that was indisputable. He realized that there was one thing he never doubted -- that he existed. "I think," he wrote, "therefore I am." (in Latin: cogito, ergo sum). It didn't matter to Descartes whether this thinking was part of a dream or a hallucination, or even if he was crazy. The fact that thought was going on proved that he existed, because there had to be a thinker.

Justin Bryant Philosophy of Government

Like John Locke I believe government is necessary because the government keeps everyone safe and protected. It also protects people’s rights, and it brings jobs and money to the community. In the following paragraphs I will explain why government is necessary.

The government keeps everyone safe and protected. People follow laws because they don’t want to go to jail. They also keep pedophiles away from children. Like Thomas Hobbs, i think people can some times can sometimes be nasty and need boundaries.

Also the government can protect people’s rights. They keep the mentally ill off the streets. They stopped hate crimes like the Montgomery bus boycott. They try to keep the poor off the street with public housing and shelters. Like john Locke said people help others.

The government gives jobs out to the people they hire police officers to help them and everyone and it opens up jobs. They hire congress people to protect our rights and fight for what is right. They give out money to the poor with welfare and food stamps and wic for mothers.

To sum it all up government is necessary firstly, because it government keeps every one safe and protected. It also protects people’s rights. And it brings jobs and money to the community .im not saying government is perfect but it is about as good as it gets.

i hope you liked this piece of my work for english class.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

my philosophy of government

my philosophy of government a mix of differnt types ovf goverment .i think govenment should have limeted power over people .but they shold establish laws and regulations over citizens.the govermet should be able to take the meataly ill of the streets.and in a few sentances that is my philosophy of government .