Friday, May 1, 2009

Q. Why is Lenny so obsessed with animals.

in the book Of Mice And Men Lenny seems to be obsessed with animals for the beginning of the book.In my mind this motif is put in the book because Lenny want to protect and provide for the animals sort of like how George protects him.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Nhd reflectiom

in last week the meeting was OK we talked about planing a garden and how the con. center shouldn't give us permission to plant a garden if we don't properly plan for it. then ms Thompson said if we keep talking out of turn then she was going to break up or group.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Service learning

last weeks service learning meeting wasn't very productive .there was no events planned and they said that we probaly wont plant any flowers .

Thursday, January 10, 2008

should huck finn be taught in school

Huck finn is a story that is based in the south in the 1850's that has a couple topics that might not be suitable for school .Such as Racisim , Mature laungue , and Violence . But I still think it is important that it be taught in school and this is why...

I think that huck finn should be taught in school because it is a verygood book and it could inform children about what things where really like in the 1850's.Although there is some mature laungue and mild violence I think the right age child would not be botherd by this and contiue reading the book.

In conclusion i think huck finn is a good book and you shoulndt let a few mature parts of the book ruin it for you.

controversial topic

My controversial topic is wiether the bible is true or is it fake . Ithink the bible is a controversial topic because there many views on the bible and people could argue all day about wiether it is true or fake.

Althought there are many views I think the bible is true,because I was bought up in a christian house hold and that is how i've all ways be raised.But I dont think the bible should be tought in school because there are many differnt religons and I would'nt want to offend any one.

THe bible is a very touchy subject in school and even thought i think the bible is real I think it sould be up to the child to pick his or her view.

Friday, November 2, 2007

anoter algebra project they keep us kids so busy these days

Justin Titanic Worksheet

When I first started to work on the titanic work sheet I thought I knew all I could know about this subject. But I soon realized that it was more than just some ship that sank in the Atlantic Ocean over 80 years ago. There was a mathematical aspect to it, like how the pressure could have popped the rivets that held the steel planks together. At first I thought that the ship just didn’t have a strong enough make up to sail in these waters .I thought the steel just simply wasn’t strong enough but I would soon find out that it was a freak accident that the glacier hit directly on one of the steel rivets. So in a short 3 paragraphs I would like to say that my opinion on how the titanic sank changed dramatically. Because when the glacier hit the rivet and the pressure and the force caused the ship sink very fast. And that is why my opinion changed from the beginning of the story to the end.