Thursday, January 10, 2008

should huck finn be taught in school

Huck finn is a story that is based in the south in the 1850's that has a couple topics that might not be suitable for school .Such as Racisim , Mature laungue , and Violence . But I still think it is important that it be taught in school and this is why...

I think that huck finn should be taught in school because it is a verygood book and it could inform children about what things where really like in the 1850's.Although there is some mature laungue and mild violence I think the right age child would not be botherd by this and contiue reading the book.

In conclusion i think huck finn is a good book and you shoulndt let a few mature parts of the book ruin it for you.

controversial topic

My controversial topic is wiether the bible is true or is it fake . Ithink the bible is a controversial topic because there many views on the bible and people could argue all day about wiether it is true or fake.

Althought there are many views I think the bible is true,because I was bought up in a christian house hold and that is how i've all ways be raised.But I dont think the bible should be tought in school because there are many differnt religons and I would'nt want to offend any one.

THe bible is a very touchy subject in school and even thought i think the bible is real I think it sould be up to the child to pick his or her view.